Acid stimulation services
Coil Services
Acid Stimulation Services
Acid stimulation services through coiled tubing places acid directly at the required position, without it becoming diluted or spent which can often happen when bull-heading. Acid can either be placed with a wash nozzle in front of the perforation, or jetted over a certain area, with either a rotating nozzle or any other tool designed for specific placement. Inflatable packers can also be used, to enable even greater precision on particular placements. It is essential that Acid is mixed with inhibitors, to protect both the coiled tubing and the completion. Design of the fluid is based on existing well data, in conjunction with customer criteria. Transport of acid fluids will be either: pre-mixed for the job in tanks, or for very large acid operations, delivered to site as raw chemicals and mixed on location. Well Services Group has offshore tanks fit for both raw and mixed acid fluids, as well as road tankers for onshore operations (depending on job volumes). Return fluids will be neutralized by Well Services Group. Well Services Group are pleased to be able to be provide a “Green acid” within our company portfolio, specific information can be provided based on well design.

Katie Rave-Leel
Sales Manager